اإلتحاد الطالبي نسأل هللا الدعاء والتوفيق لصاحبته أم محمد اليافعي )زكاة العلم( Book4 Chapter 2 Part 1

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1 1 AA100b Final ملخص الفاينل اإلتحاد الطالبي "ما شاء هللا ال قوة إال باهلل" نسأل هللا الدعاء والتوفيق لصاحبته أم محمد اليافعي )زكاة العلم( لجابتر Book4 Chapter 2 Part 1 Religion and Leisure " Academic and religious Studies" Religion is a system of three components: beliefs, practices and institutions. There is a strong connection between religion and leisure time. People need to set off material life and get energy to their spirits by certain religious beliefs and practices such as pilgrims, praying or doing some rituals. There is a strong connection between travel and religion, and between religion and leisure. Some people believe that there are certain times or places have supernatural power related to god or to holy person or thing belong to god that makes the place or time holy. Some people believe of holiness places and consider them as sacred places. Others don t agree with them because they want academic evidence to approve the idea of holiness. They believe that there is nothing holy in this planet, and people themselves who give the holiness to places in order to get benefit and power through their claims. So we have religious argument and academic argument about the sacred places and holiness. First, we know that religion is a system of beliefs, practices and institutions. As a Muslim you have to believe that there is only one God and Mohammad is the final messenger sent from Allah for all people and the holly Quran is revealed to our prophet. Also you have to do some practices such as praying five times a day and fasting Ramadan and pilgrimage. If you don't believe on these major points and don't do some major practices or rituals, you won't be considerate as a Muslim. Moreover, institutions could be places such as mosques or churches and it could be religious people who worked on themselves, study the religion and pass it to others. We know that leisure can be defined into positive doing activities for their own sake" or negative way set off work to flourish ". Both of religion and leisure are set of work to do some activities in order to get pleasure and flourish and find peace inside the human being soul. So, there is a connection between religion and leisure. In Ancient Greek they used to consider certain days of the year to do some ceremonies and rituals practices in holydays. Holy day is a word combined of two words holy" and "day". The word holy" could be attributed to mundane, worldly; or things we do them every day in our material lives. The word holy also devoted to God, heavenly matters and it could be attributed to places, times, objects or even people. These days named the holy days because people devote themselves in worshipping and religious-spiritual activities, they set off material work. Holy days have other aspects in modern life; they can be for religion such as Friday for Muslims or civic holidays such as the national festivals. Many national holidays originated in holy days, and many people spend some of their leisure time visiting places that can be defined as sacred and they pilgrim in specific times. So, religion and leisure are linked in place and time. Sacred places maybe landscapes features or human constructions, ancient or

2 AA100b Final ملخص الفاينل modern recognized and agreed by particular groups or individuals. There four authors talk about scared places and have different ideas about them: Mircea Eliade, Kim Knott, Chidester and Lineenther. Second, Mircea Eliade" he believes that there is a world with an absolute reality beyond our world. In certain points of this planet Earth, absolute reality shows itself and gives a certain power to that place. He says man becomes aware of sacred because it shows itself as something holy different from the profane and some places have an inherent intrinsic holiness. That something sacred shows itself to us through the history of religion from the most primitive to the most highly developed and constituted by great number of hierophanies" by "manifestations of sacred realities. These realities don't belong to our world in objects are integral parts of our natural profane" world. He believes in two different concepts: theophany and.مقدس hierophany Theophany means apparition of god. It s when god appeared in place, that place would become holy to some people because the power is given by god to certain place such as the temples in Ancient Greek they used to believe of gods appeared in these temples. Heirophany means when someone or something holy appeared in certain place and makes the place holy. For example, the star in chrisms tree refers to something appears in that place or time. Third, some people believe in god and have religious attitude or approach.on another hand there are some people who either don t believe on god and religion, or they believe of god but they don t believe in others religion. They say if they don t believe in different religion or beliefs, they won t feel the holiness of others beliefs, then they won't feel the power or the energy of these sacred places. They ask for an academic attitude scholar not beliefs or religious thoughts to approve their point of their sacred places. Some people don t believe of the other world; the world of perfection. Also, they believe that there is nothing inherently holy or special power is given for any place. But there are certain people in history attributed the holiness to certain things objects, places or times in order to gain social, political or military power. For example, Kim Knott" says that nothing is inherently sacred but things, places and events are attributed with that quality by groups or individuals to their cultural contexts. Moreover, both "Chidester" and "Linenthal" agree with him and believe that people make places sacred by their human efforts because the labour of defining what is sacred to separate them off from other places, perhaps with rituals and by acting in different ways within them. It s a process entangled متشابك in powerful social, political and economic interests. For example, Jerusalem it's a sacred place and a place of conflict between Muslims, Jewish and Christian people. Other examples are the four places in United Kingdom. Some people believe that are sacred such as Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury and Milton Keynes. These places don't provide any violent contests over power and purity, but they are venues ofأماكن disagreement and diversity. Fourth, when UNISCO describes Stonehenge and Avebury they used two types of languages; religious and academic -scientific languages. They used words such as sanctuaries, holy in religious approach. Also they used words such as megaliths and circles of menhirs to show the academic approach. This combination makes balance in the description for both believers and unbelievers of the sacredness of Stonehenge. There different types of group of visitors who visit Stonehenge and Avebury every year. Some of them are tourists who are interesting in history places and archaeological places and they come to have fun. Number of people comes to celebrate the summer solstice because they think it's an attractive view. Other come people are 2

3 AA100b Final ملخص الفاينل believers such as Druids and Pagans, they come to do some rituals activities and ceremonies. They ware strange costumes, sing and dance to revive their ancient religion. Some people are scholars; they come to study heritage and Neolithic monument. Finally, religion is a system of practices, institutions and beliefs that provides meaning to life and death. If a place is regarded as holy, it is because of the presence of the supernatural in it. The sacredness of place may be connected with the presence o particular person, divine figure, particular event or location. Mircea Eliade believes of sacred places and in two different concepts: theophany and hierophany which means god may be appeared in a certain place or something related to god or a holy person was porn, done something in a certain time or place and that gives power, energy and holiness to place or time. Kim Knott, Chidester and Lineenther don t believe of the holiness places, objects or times. They say people make things sacred to get sort of power such as political or economy. Some religious people might agree with Eliade s claims, especially the notion that sacred places are revealed not made, found not formed. They are sacred because of something inherent in themselves, not because people make them sacred. Yet we shall see that other people not only accept that some places are set aside as sacred, sometimes with considerable expenditure ofالنفقات effort, but also value the diversity of opinions about them as somehow indicating that they are special, at least. Others may doubt the sacredness of particular places but they greatly value as places to visit for a range of meaningful purposes, including leisure, the acquisition of knowledge, commerce and employment Part2 Cases study: A- Stonehenge and Vebury There are four holy places in England. One of these places was regarded as a holy place for more than seven thousands years ago. Stonehenge which means the circle of stone is one of the most mysteries and holy place in Europe. They started build the Stonehenge four and a half thousands years ago, before that it was made of wood. The stones those were used to build Stonehenge are very heavy which makes archaeologists wonder how they built it and what the purpose is? Moreover, Stonehenge is located near burial mounds, and other landscape features including Silbury Hill, at Avebury the largest artificial mound in Europe. They used to consider it as a sacred place because people were buried there to be close to their god. Unfortunately, we don t have any clue or evident about the history of Stonehenge. Therefore, there are so many guesses and speculations. The special thing that combination and arraignment of the stone is that you can see the sun rises through two standing stones only in the longest day of the year and the in the other end you can see the sunset only in the shortest day of the year, this phenomena called "solstice" The first theory says of "Stonehenge "and "Avebury" that when people stopped hunting; ancient farmers used Stonehenge as a calendar to know the date to begin farming. Moreover they used it as an observatory to know the movement of sun and moon. Another guess is they used to consider that place as alter to give sacrifices for the god of sun or the goddess of moon and do some rituals. Or maybe people buried their lovers and wealthy people to be close to their god because it was a sacred burial site. 3

4 4 AA100b Final ملخص الفاينل The only sources we have are stones, bones and pieces of artifacts. Therefore different guesses and theories built in acceptations and sometimes involve mistakes. We have few theories about who built Stonehenge, but all of them are rejected. Some people say that Ancient Roman built Stonehenge when Julius Caesar came to England to make his promise of the Roman Empire. But the sources say that he came two thousand years ago, after the existent of Stonehenge which makes this idea is rejected. Other people think that Ancient Egypt who made it, but the architecture of ancient Egypt is completely different from the architecture of Stonehenge. Some people believe that Stonehenge was built by Druids a kind of pagan religion who believed of nature gods and natural power.these are the people who perform the rituals, worshipping the nature, praying to god and passing the religion to generation. They were the institution of their religion. The first person who wrote about them is Julius Caesar. He said that Druids were the most important men in their society and they were the media between god and people. Again, Druids were been there only about three thousand years ago, while Stonehenge was already existed before them. There must be something else happened before Druids. On another hand, new religion called New Druid they do certain activates to revive the ancient religion that worships the nature power and nature gods. They assume that they must have done the same thing in worshipping nature because they don t have any records about them in that time. Archaeologists have found evident that it was made seven thousands years ago but they still don t know who built it and for what. These discussions make Stonehenge the most mysteries place in the whole world and the most ancient holiness place in Europe. In the mean time, different type of people visit that place for different reasons. Some people are ordinary tourists; they visit to see the temples because they are interested by the cultures and architecture. Some people are scholars who go there to do some studies and then there are some people who believe in the holiness of Stonehenge. The new druids go there every year in the middle of summer and in the middle of winter to watch "solstice". They go there wearing different costumes and doing their own ceremonies and rituals. There are many business activates are doing their making pilgrims and holy places very proper for certain people. There different types of group of visitors who visit Stonehenge and Avebury every year. Some of them are tourists who are interesting in history places and archaeological places and they come to have fun. Number of people comes to celebrate the summer solstice because they think it's an attractive view. Other come people are believers such as Druids and Pagans, they come to do some rituals activities and ceremonies. They ware strange costumes, sing and dance to revive their ancient religion. Some people are scholars; they come to study heritage التراث and.ونصب العصر الحجري الحديث monument. Neolithic B- Glastonbury We know that religion is component of beliefs, practices and institutions. People go in pilgrims in order to get power and flourish their spirits. They believe in the sacredness of places that have power and energy related to god or to holy thing, event or people. Most of these places are ancient and few of them are modern. Other people don t believe in theophany and hierophany" but they say that people themselves who give the holiness and sacredness to places and times to get benefit and power such as political, economic, social or military power. For example, we have four sacred places in England and they are: Stonehenge and Avebury, Glastonbury and the modern city Milton Keynes. We talked about Stonehenge the most mysteries and holiness place in Europe because it was

5 5 AA100b Final ملخص الفاينل made seven thousands years ago and we don t have any clue or evidence about who made it and why. People visit Stonehenge and Avebury as a tourists, scholars, archaeologists or believers such as Druids and hippies to see the largest artificial mound in Europe, to enjoy phenomena and watch solstice or to practice rituals and ceremonies. The second sacred place is Glastonbury. This place is known as a place has many meanings; it's a remarkable array, a place of annual performing arts festival, and a place for spiritual seekers and scholars. It attracts people especially Christian people because of its natural phenomena and myth and some people think that Glastonbury is the prehistoric Centre of goddess worship. Some people say it's the central of new travellers "hippies. Others say it's the centre of Earth energy and some think I might has the communication point with aliens. There are some reasons make people consider this place as a sacred place. Some people say that the first church was built in this place by Joseph; who was a relative of Jesus, after the crucifixion. And Christianity was brought by building the first church in Britain this place is important to Druids who believe this place very special, Christians who believe this place very important and modern age travellers "hippies" who don t follow their society and have their own style of life. They travel from city to city making sort of music festivals and huge musical performance. Glastonbury is important to Druids, it was the site of a great Druidic university, a centre of learning to which people flocked from all over Europe and beyond. Some people assert that in Glastonbury the Druids had anticipated the coming of Christianity, and that here the transition from the old religion to the new was smooth. They say the secret of this power comes from Jesus and Joseph. They believe that both Jesus and Joseph had spent time in Glastonbury. And some strange phenomena appeared such as the Glastonbury thorn which is a tree flowers twice in spring and around Christmas. People have being celebrated this legend in Holy Thorn Ceremony and the Holy Grail for a long time and many people believed these legends. For example, King Arthur in six century had a strong relationship with his legend flowers. Furthermore, he used to go to this place for healing because he believed of his myth named "The Knights and round Table". Another people who are interesting of Glastonbury are hippies. From 1970s onwards, new Age Travellers and people seeking for a different style of life and spiritual experiences named "hippies". They visit Glastonbury every year because they believe that Earth is a living and organism and has channels energy from specific locations on her body just like every other creature. These centers are called Chakras. The Chakra centers on Earth are connected by energy circuits called Ley lines. These lines of "alleged earth energy attracts hippies and some believers for healing and getting energy. Glastonbury attracts wide variety of pilgrims and spiritual tourists. It's a contested site which looks completely different to different people. It s a place reveals itself as a sacred to many people. There are many shops and stores in Glastonbury to serve the visitors and get the benefit during their pilgrims and their leisure times and many activities are have being done in Glastonbury every year from different type of groups and people that have different motivations. C- Milton Keynes The town Milton Keynes is rarely if ever, included in anyone's list of sacred places. Many people only ever associate the town with famous concrete cows that decorate one publish space, and with endless roundabout of the roots that divide the town into grids.

6 AA100b Final ملخص الفاينل The presence of the Open University and more than one sport stadium might be contributed to Milton Keynes sacrality or profanity. The absence of the Cathedral means that by popularity accepted conventions in the UK, Milton Keynes is not yet a city. There are many old churches enveloped in larger developments and surrounded by new religious buildings. The street names provide a major clue; Midsummer Boulevard is paralleled by Avebury Boulevard and Silbury Boulevard. As its name reveals; Midsummer, suggests aligned towards the sunrise on midsummers days "the summer solstice". The religious landscape of the town seems to be either an ancient or an additional urban functionality, or ever a planned celebration of modern pluralism or land multiculturalism.التعددية الثقافية Nothing so far suggests that anyone planning the town was attempting to design a new sacred place. The architects of Milton Keynes, Midsummer alignment, and the links with the works of "John Michell" the influential writer since 1960s, Began with his book "The View over Atlantis" he has promoted the argument that ancient buildings, cited and landscapes were engineered to promote cosmic and civic harmony. Michell has presented evidence that sophisticated prehistoric engineering techniques can be distinguished in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Certainly the main planners of the town were committed to designing a modern city. Rationally laid out for cars and commerce to inject a feeling that there is meaning here, and to create sense of the place. The sites and alignments are often presented as art in Milton Keynes, and they are reflecting human aspirations for peace. But at the same time, these sites and alignments draw on religious themes, traditions and style of constructions. Its street becomes more than roach for people to pursue business or leisure, but it considered as a center of cosmic energies and influence. Midsummer Boulevard considered being the heart of the shopping and business centre of Milton Keynes, and as a mean of bringing harmony in the lives of its inhabitants. In conclusion, for some people, it's possible to create a sacred place and to mark the sacredness that already exists in a place. But in Milton Keynes, the planners of the boulevards started from scratch on one before suggested that this area was in any a different modern town that reflects its sense and identity on others

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